Monday, May 17, 2010
Stanley Mouse
Iconic illustration artist/Poster designer .Grew up in Detroit,helping his fascination as a car nut whilst a teenager .Here he learnt the art of collaborating his focal matter into his design to design collateralized icons for the time and scene which still hold steadfast respect to this day .
Leaving school and Detroit taking his design inspiration seriously .Defining his artistic style ,sharp ,colourful,and again directly toward the subject was the defining solution of Stanley Mouse.Accomplishing accreditation for highly regarded poster work of the sixties .Capturing the cultural and specific outlandish nature of all time music legends .Such as Jimi Hendrix ,Bob Dylan ,Janis Joplin,The Steve Mullin Band Led Zeplin.
Stanley Mouse was inspirational in his idealistic cultural ism and involvement of blending the visual aspects together to lure the audience .Teaming up with other creative designers searching many other styles and history using aspects of art nouveau,Alfons Mucha and Edward sullivan.In a time when getting out the word, Idea /creation of music was very hard to accomplish .With a cutting edge design of sculls , skeletons, roses,the female figure ,phycidillia .Images creating a rawness of the music and define style . Stanley Mouse became an icon for his posters , Along with his characteristically created ,dirty street smelling car hound unshaven street tearing rats . Still applied for a rev head status today .
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