-1963 First issue of anti-establishment Oz magazine released on April Fool’s Day
-1964 Oz magazine prosecuted for obscenity for the second time and Sharp included in the charges. Conviction overturned on appeal
-1966 Sharp moves to London; creates poster of Bob Dylan, Mr Tambourine Man
-1967 Jenny Kee introduces Sharp to Eric Clapton in the Speakeasy Club in London with Richard Neville
-1968 Sharp designs album covers for Cream: Disraeli gears and wheels of Fire 1969 Wheels of fire awarded the New York Art Director’s Prize for Best Album Design
First man on the moon
-1970 Sharp returns to Sydney and opens the Yellow House in Sydney, an alternative gallery space and tribute to Vincent Van Gogh’s original concept of an artists’ community in southern France(this one of his very well known achievements, a specialty for the artist of Sydney , Australia and the world )
-1973 Sharp begins designing posters and sets for Sydney’s Nimrod Theatre
-1977 Sharp commissioned to design the poster for the first Sydney Festival1979 The World Nonstop Singing Record at Luna Park. On January 12, Tiny Tim sings with his band non-stop for 2 hours and 22 minutes t
o set the professional record and celebrate the centenary.

As graphic artist and satirist for the Sydney and London Oz magazines, Sharp was

As graphic artist and satirist for the Sydney and London Oz magazines, Sharp was
one of the voices of the younger generation. The magazine was satirical and anti-authoritarian, making fun of institutions and expressing the thoughts and mood of a youth culture. Sharp, adept at satirical commentary, was already providing satirical cartoons for The Bulletin and The Sydney Morning Herald in his student years. In its time, Oz magazine attacked the many hypocrisies of society, including the monarchy, the constabulary and the civic developers who were destroying some of the city’s buildings.

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He designed record covers for the albums Disraeli gears and Wheels of fire by Eric Clapton’s band Cream and wrote the lyrics of ‘Tales of brave Ulysses’ for the Disraeli gears LP, as well as designing psychedelic posters for Bob Dylan, Donovan and Jimi Hendrix, posters for the ‘Big O poster’ company, and the cover for Timothy Leary’s book Politics of ecstasy. His designs and use of text in illustrations rejected the functional, minimal style of the 1950s and his style had similarities to the works of Alphonse Mucha, Aubrey Beardsley, art nouveau and the Symbolists. In 1969, he was awarded the New York Art Director’s Prize for best album design for the cover of Cream’s LP Wheels of fire.
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