In a time when the field of graphic design was changing dramatically due to technological advancements such as motion graphics, the world wide web and interactive applications, April Greiman played a key role in advocating for these new technologies and the increasing role they can play in design.
There isn't much in her field that Greiman hasn't tackled. She's designed everything from biscuit packages and corporate logos to TV commercials and has received the Medal of the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and the Chrysler Award for Innovation.
Greiman has a history of collaboration with renown architects to produce signage, exhibitions and color palettes. Interested in both print and virtual space, she developed projects for Vitra’s Workspirit Magazine, and the MAK Center for Art and Architecture.
Greiman sees herself as a natural bridge between the Modernist tradition and future generations of designers. “In the tradition of graphic design in the twentieth century, you had to be either a great typographer, a great designer/illustrator, or a great poster designer…the world has [now] changed and the
field is changing to meet it.”
Greiman is adamant that we must be open to new paradigms, to new metaphors, to a whole new spirit of design: “It’s not just graphic design anymore. We just don’t have a new name for it yet.”

I like her style, her ideas, the way she seems to think out of the box and on a large scale. I also like her view on design about always needing to be open to the 'new'. She seems to be an example of a designer who throghout her career has been able to transition through changes in technology and design tradition and embrace these changes in positive and inovative ways.